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New Release in French!

Updated: Aug 22, 2018

“You are bringing a renewal within Sunday School ministry” - Jaela

Over the summer Songs for Saplings was featured at the Evangile 21 conference in Geneva, Switzerland. The Evangile 21 conference is run in conjunction with The Gospel Coalition as their French-language counterpart. On the second day of the conference, the release of the entire set of 6 volumes (114 songs) of “Questions et Réponses” in French was announced.


“Questions with Answers Vol. 1- 6” is now available in French!

Over the summer of 2016 Songs for Saplings was featured at the Evangile 21 conference in Geneva, Switzerland. The Evangile 21 conference is run in conjunction with The Gospel Coalition as their French-language counterpart.

On the second day of the conference the release of the entire set of 6 volumes (114 songs) of “Questions et Réponses” in French was announced.

This release marks the first time all 6 volumes of “Questions with Answers” have been made available in a language other than English! This represents 6 years of work with many trips, and over a hundred people who worked on translating, singing, recording, engineering, and managing the project.

If you’re not familiar with the “Questions with Answers” series, it includes 6 albums of songs to help kids learn the foundations of the Christian faith. The music covers a dozen topics and has Scripture verses integrated into the songs to help kids memorize the truths of Scripture. You can learn more about the questions with answers music series here.


At the conference, Songs for Saplings was able to distribute over 600 USB drives at NO COST to pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders who are working in France, Belgium, and French-speaking countries in Africa! The USB drives contained all the “Questions with Answers” music in French and English, along with all the lyrics sheets for the music. These were given as gifts to the pastors and leaders as a free ministry resource for their churches, families, and ministries.

We were thanked by many people who see this as a valuable resource for the Church and we’ve already seen hundreds of visits to our website from France since the conference from other people wanting to download the music.

Here is some of the feedback we’ve seen so far:

“We have really loved these songs. We listened to them daily during our summer vacation road trips . Our children enjoy the melodies and already know a many of the songs by heart.”


“I work with university students and I am surprised by the questions they cannot answer. Most students can tell you some Bible stories, but are not able to explain something like how men were saved before the coming of Christ. Thanks to your songs, I hope I will soon welcome a new generation of students who will be able to answer with songs from their childhood.” -Pascal

“You are bringing a renewal within Sunday School ministry”

- Jaela


For a limited time we’re making the complete “Questions et Réponses” 6-volume set downloads available on our website for FREE.

Do you know anyone working in a French-speaking country who would be interested in using this music? Could you share this post with them to let them know about the release of “Questions et Réponses”?


THANK YOU so much for your partnership with us in spreading this music, and thanks especially to the families and churches who have supported our work prayerfully and financially. It’s through your generosity that we are able to accomplish these translations and make this music available to churches, families, and ministries around the world.


We have begun work to translate the Questions with Answers music in Arabic. In order to continue translating and distributing Songs for Saplings music in parts of the world where they are especially needed, we depend on the support of our friends and fans.

If our music has been meaningful in your family and church, we would ask you to learn more about and consider supporting our translation projects by signing up as a monthly supporter. You can do that here.

Please join us in thanking God for making this French release possible, and for continuing to make His name and His wonderful Word known around the world through music!


1 Comment

Dana Dirksen
Dana Dirksen
Aug 01, 2018

Thanks to our translation team and to the wonderful singers that made this project a huge success! God bless you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

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