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It Started With One Mommy

When Dana Dirksen was raising her young kids, she had a desire to teach them the Bible and

help them to memorize scripture. Dana was a natural musician and had studied music in

college. She sat down and put 40 short scriptures to music. She shared them with other families

at her church and the kids' school and soon started to get requests from other families. The next year a woman at church suggested that Dana tackle putting a whole set of theological teaching to music. Dana did, singing these theological truths along with singing the supporting Scripture verses.

Over the next ten years what began as a personal project grew. A total of 8 albums in English were released. Dana uses a mixture of folk, blues, jazz, and pop in the music; and the songs are appealing to kids and adults. Churches, schools, families, and ministries around the US and Canada adopted the music into their ministries.

In 2015 Dana made the decision to release all of the music for free. Her desire is for kids everywhere to have access to the music, to learn theological truths, and to memorize scripture. Dana invites you to get the music today and try it for yourself. Just tap the following link to learn how to access Dana's music through Spotify, iTunes Radio, Amazon Music, Youtube, and the Gospel Coalition.

We hope you will listen to the music yourself. If you find it useful, please consider using with

your children, recommending it to your friends, and sharing it at church. We want to see God’s

words and truths spread far and wide through lively, enjoyable songs. Our hope is that these

scriptures and truths will be stored deep in the hearts of these kids and give them knowledge,

hope, and a strong faith for the rest of their lives.

Learn more at



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