God’s Word tells us in Deuteronomy 6:7, “You shall teach them [God’s words] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
The Bible is clear that you should be teaching your children God’s Word, and that you need to do it diligently. God doesn’t say at what age or level of understanding you should start or finish teaching them, but makes it clear that you are supposed to be teaching them God’s Word, and doing so diligently.
So, where (and how) do you start? In the 66 books of the Bible there is a sea of knowledge. And a lot of it is complicated. Some of it nuanced. All of it important.
Don’t worry, this problem has been solved for hundreds of years. Faithful Christians have used a
simple method for a long time. All you do ask a question about an important Biblical topic give a
clear Biblical answer, and then show your littles where you found that answer in the Bible.
Now you’re saying “Wait, that’s exactly the problem! What do I put in and what do I leave out? What are the most important, fundamental issues to cover? Where do I even begin to communicate something so big to children so small?”
This is why Songs for Saplings exists. To provide these foundational, faith-shaping truths set to music so that even the littlest little one may answer the deepest questions. Just start by playing the music for them. It’s that simple, the music is free, and you’ll learn a lot yourself.
So get started! Check out Songs For Sapling's free music by tapping the link below! We know it will bless you and your family, and you will know absolutely, positively that you are heading in the right direction in teaching them diligently!